Sunday, October 7, 2007

Just to clarify....

Just to clarify.....if you're attending the GNI Crop night you don't HAVE TO do any of the competitions, sketches, bra decorating, name tag's totally up to you what you do on the night!

If you want to come along and just scrap/card make that's fine too!

DON"T FORGET to bring your CRAFT MAT along too please (put your name on the back)!

The competitions are just being offered as a way to raise a few extra $$$ and for some fun!

The BRA Decorating is for a bit of fun....alter an old bra (second hand one or cheapie from discount shop) with lots of bling, flowers, ribbon etc and we'll enter a photo of your 'altered' bra into the online gallery competition (for a $1 entry fee)!

We will have a mini hills hoist clothes line at the Crop to 'show off' your bra....if you do it before the crop or use some of our donated "bra bling" to decorate it on the night!

As well as all the very yummy food Kerryn is arrange (THANK YOU so much!!!) we'll have cold drinks (coke, diet coke & water) and 'pink' Kit Kat's for sale on the night. Tea and coffee will be available free of charge with your complimentary supper!

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