Sunday, October 7, 2007

Name Badges

As our numbers gradually increase (we're at about 25 now!!)....I think we'll all need a NAME BADGE on the night!!

So - let's have another competition!!

Best name tag (base tags and pins supplied on the night) as judged by the 'men' attending (my Dad & DH & any others that turn up!) will win a prize!

I was lucky enough to enjoy a whole 13 hours of scrapping yesterday and managed to get my "Think Pink" challenge layout completed (not sure how much time I'll have to scrap at the GNI Crop!!) Don't forget to check it out at Little Scrapbook Shop!

We will also have a LAYOUT and CARD sketch challenge available on the night.......with local prizes as well as national ones!

Received some more beautiful donations yestereday (from Shannon & Lisa - thank you so much ladies!!!) including the most goregous CARDS that will be for sale on the night! These will sell like hot cakes.....don't forget to bring along (or make them there) a few of your own cards to sell on the night!!!

Don't forget to leave a thought at the Well of Positivity......every positive thought adds $1 to Breast Cancer Research.....almost $160 000 has been raised to date!!!


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